Ghost Asylum
- Overnaturlig
- 2016
- Episode 8
- Sesong 4
- 44 min
- 12+
- 5.0
- Sesong 4
- Episode 8: Coco Palms Resort
The TWC go to Kauai to investigate the abandoned Coco Palms Resort, built atop sacred land that ancient spirits have roamed for centuries.
Om serien: Tennessee Wraith Chasers (TWC) er lidenskapelige paranormale etterforskere. Teamet har en bestemt nisje i det overnaturlige - de oppsøker aktivitet ved anstalter og psykiatriske sykehus.
U.S.S. Edson
Episode 1
44 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederThe TWC board the USS Edson, a haunted battleship that served in the Vietnam War. Their goal is to free the spirits trapped aboard - including a disturbed poltergeist.
The TWC board the USS Edson, a haunted battleship that served in the Vietnam War. Their goal is to free the spirits trapped aboard - including a disturbed poltergeist.
Old South Pittsburg Hospital
Episode 2
43 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederThe TWC return to the site of their first paranormal investigation, where they hope to uncover the true identity of a menacing shadow figure.
The TWC return to the site of their first paranormal investigation, where they hope to uncover the true identity of a menacing shadow figure.
Peoria State Hospital
Episode 3
44 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederThe Tennessee Wraith Chasers explore the Peoria State Hospital, where over 10,000 people died, and race to reach the spirits before the building is demolished.
The Tennessee Wraith Chasers explore the Peoria State Hospital, where over 10,000 people died, and race to reach the spirits before the building is demolished.
Missouri State Penitentiary
Episode 4
44 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederThe TWC visit one of the oldest prisons in the Midwest, seeking to banish the spirits of two sinister child killers infesting its ghostly cellblocks.
The TWC visit one of the oldest prisons in the Midwest, seeking to banish the spirits of two sinister child killers infesting its ghostly cellblocks.
Castillo De San Marcos
Episode 5
44 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederThe TWC are in Florida at one of the most haunted forts in the US, where they attempt to make contact with the disembodied head of a Seminole Indian Chief.
The TWC are in Florida at one of the most haunted forts in the US, where they attempt to make contact with the disembodied head of a Seminole Indian Chief.
Pauly Jail
Episode 6
43 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederThe TWC investigate infamous Pauly Jail. Built in the 1800s, it has a history of racial prejudice and unauthorized executions, including a prisoner who was burned alive.
The TWC investigate infamous Pauly Jail. Built in the 1800s, it has a history of racial prejudice and unauthorized executions, including a prisoner who was burned alive.
Preston Castle
Episode 7
43 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederThe TWC journey to California’s first boys' reformatory school, to find answers to two of its most mysterious and brutal deaths – of a beloved housekeeper and a teacher.
The TWC journey to California’s first boys' reformatory school, to find answers to two of its most mysterious and brutal deaths – of a beloved housekeeper and a teacher.
Coco Palms Resort
Episode 8
44 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederThe TWC go to Kauai to investigate the abandoned Coco Palms Resort, built atop sacred land that ancient spirits have roamed for centuries.
The TWC go to Kauai to investigate the abandoned Coco Palms Resort, built atop sacred land that ancient spirits have roamed for centuries.
Old Crow Distillery
Episode 9
44 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederGjengen blir bedt om å undersøke det berømte og hjemsøkte destilliriet Old Crow. Det er satt inn drastiske tiltak, og gutta må kjempe mot Satan.
Gjengen blir bedt om å undersøke det berømte og hjemsøkte destilliriet Old Crow. Det er satt inn drastiske tiltak, og gutta må kjempe mot Satan.
Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary
Episode 10
43 minTilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ månederGjengen drar hjem til Tennessee for å undersøke et av sørstatenes verste fengsel. De slåss mot spøkelsene av tidligere innsatte.
Gjengen drar hjem til Tennessee for å undersøke et av sørstatenes verste fengsel. De slåss mot spøkelsene av tidligere innsatte.