Crusoe: Episode 9 - Name of the Game
Telia PlayTV-arkiv & serierCrusoeSesong 1Crusoe: Episode 9 - Name of the Game


  • Action
  • 2008
  • Episode 8
  • Sesong 1
  • 43 min
  • 13+
  • 6.7
  • Sesong 1
  • Episode 8: Crusoe: Episode 9 - Name of the Game

Haunted by the memory of seeing another boy being attacked by a crocodile, Friday is unable to try to pass the final test as a child. Friday and Crusoe use Friday's childhood challenges as a competitive tool.

Om serien: Based on the timeless and much-loved novel by Daniel Defoe, this action-packed adventure follows the thrilling escapades of Crusoe, who embarks on a high-seas adventure and gets shipwrecked on a remote tropical island.

Anna Walton, Mía Maestro, Philip Winchester, Sam Neill, Sean Bean
Alex Chapple, Duane Clark, Jeff Woolnough, Michael Robison
Tilgjengelige språk
Action, Eventyr, Drama
Tilgjengelig i mer enn 3+ måneder

10 av 12 Episode