Eli Roth Presents: The Legion of Exorcists
Telia PlayTV-arkiv & serierEli Roth Presents: The Legion of ExorcistsSesong 1

Eli Roth Presents: The Legion of Exorcists

Evil is on the rise. Standing on the frontlines of this spiritual war is the Legion of Exorcists, who use their faith to keep the devil's minions at bay. These are the true stories of their battle to save humanity's soul, one exorcism at a time.

Om serien: Legion of Exorcists står i frontlinjen for den åndelige krigen mot ondskapen. De bruker troen sin for å holde djevelens undersåtter i sjakk. Dette er de sanne historiene om deres kamp for å redde menneskehetens sjel, én eksorsisme om gangen.

Donnie Williams, James Long, Rich Valdes, Rita Strugala, Scott Johnson, Shawn Whittington
Overnaturlig, Mysterie
Sesong 1

6 av 6 Episode