Biz Kids: 8 Little Bakers Go to Market
Telia PlayTV-arkiv & serierKids Baking ChampionshipSesong 11Biz Kids: 8 Little Bakers Go to Market

Kids Baking Championship

  • Sesong 11
  • Episode 5: Biz Kids: 8 Little Bakers Go to Market

Sales trends change all the time, so Valerie Bertinelli and Duff Goldman task the bakers with making cupcakes in a popular flavour; each baker pairs up with their neighbour to create a new cupcake that will predict a trendy flavour in the future.

Om serien: The best young bakers compete against each other the become the next Kids Baking Champion by making the best dish, and inpressing the judges with presentation, taste and creativity.

Matlaging, Reality

Kommende episode

Sesong 8, Episode 5

Sesong 11

3 av 3 Episode